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News & Events

UK Government Science Minister and Startup CEOs Talk Robotics at UC San Diego


What will be the role of robotics in the workplace? How can startups in robotics become mass-market success stories? And what will the robotics industry look like in five, or even 50 years? Those are some of the topics up for discussion June 23 when academic, government and industry participants from the UK and California explore “The Future of Robotics and Autonomous Systems” on the University of California, San Diego campus.

Description: Diego-San (3).jpgHosted by the Qualcomm Institute, the panel is part of a week-long visit to California by the United Kingdom’s Minister of State for Universities and Science, the Rt. Hon. David Willetts, MP. Willetts is leading a “digital trade mission” to California with a group of seven high-flying British robotics companies, most of them relatively recent startups or small-to medium-sized enterprises. All are eager to explore the status of the robotics industry in the United States, and areas of potential collaboration between the industry and university researchers…

The UK delegates will tour the Qualcomm Institute’s Machine Perception Lab – best known for its educational and humanoid robots…

Machine Perception Lab Shows Robotic One-Year-Old on Video


The world is getting a long-awaited first glimpse at a new humanoid robot in action mimicking the expressions of a one-year-old child. The robot will be used in studies on sensory-motor and social development – how babies “learn” to control their bodies and to interact with other people.

Description: Diego-san (2).jpgDiego-san’s hardware was developed by leading robot manufacturers: the head by Hanson Robotics, and the body by Japan’s Kokoro Co. The project is led by University of California, San Diego full research scientist Javier Movellan.  Movellan directs the Institute for Neural Computation's Machine Perception Laboratory, based in the UCSD division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). The Diego-san project is also a joint collaboration with the Early Play and Development Laboratory of professor Dan Messinger at the University of Miami, and with professor Emo Todorov's Movement Control Laboratory at the University of Washington.

Movellan and his colleagues are developing the software that allows Diego-san to learn to control his body and to learn to interact with people…

Since the January 2013 public release of the first video clips and photos of the experimental Diego robot (also known as Diego-san, appropriately for a robot developed in San Diego), the robotic one-year-old has amassed a wealth of press clips and TV news coverage, from Forbes and Slate to Fox News and Popular Science. Learn more by clicking [Read full press clip].

The Year of the Robot

UCSD"s Machine Perception Laboratory "began its experiment to build a replicate robot based on a one-year-old baby. The results are astonishing, and quite frankly, a revolution for the robotics world and science... By Ashley Caputo

A Creepier Baby Bot

Take a look at this, if you can. Diego-san, from UCSD’s Machine Perception Laboratory, comes achingly close to reaching the other side of the Uncanny Valley—so close that you just can’t look away…  By Adam Sneed

UCSD introduces Diego-san, a baby robot with ‘tude

Kurzweil News
UCSD has introduced Diego-san, a new humanoid robot who mimicks the expressions of a one-year-old child… the robot will be used in studies on sensory-motor and social development—how babies “learn” to control their bodies and to interact with other people…

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